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#186 Anarchy?

I’ve been watching (to my shame) police and legal procedural shows from several western countries although primarily the US. And I have increasingly realized that there are some fundamental errors in how government and law enforcement function. I exclude the military because they are generally not an enforcement arm with authority over civilians. Although in countries where they are used for that, like China, the same points apply.

I put for your consideration the following points:

1.       The protagonists in these shows make a fundamental assumption that is incredibly wrong.

2.       That assumption is that the laws are just and correct. And that the system that enacted them is legitimate.

3.       Of course, at the fundamental level, things like rape, any kind of violence or abuse towards women or children, kidnapping, extortion, theft, fraud, human trafficking, and ok ... murder are indeed wrong regardless of what moral framework you use.

4.       However, beyond these basic issues (it is not an exhaustive list of course), I think there is probably a better than even chance that most laws may not be justified.

5.       From what I see, law enforcement and the judiciary can barely be trusted. Let alone the legal profession. Even if they aren’t corrupt, they are people who are more worried about their careers and the internal framework they function within than about the rights of any civilians they interact with. And I have seen that with my own eyes in several countries.

6.       The laws, regulations, statutes, and policies are passed by politicians who have a vested interest in having a complex framework to work within. Furthermore, they are pandering to whatever lobbyists are lining their pockets. And when they are not doing that, they are worried about the power and influence that they or their parties wield. So, politicians cannot be trusted either. I hope there is no need to expound upon that.

So, my question is, if the laws are unjust, and they are enacted by people that I had no choice about their being in power and who don’t listen to me … and furthermore, if they are enforced by people and organizations that can’t be trusted … then what obligation do I or anyone have to follow the laws? Beyond my own personal moral compass about what is right and wrong, that is.

I certainly trust my judgement far more than any lawyer or law enforcement personnel operating in support of a putrid morass of unfair and questionable laws.

Quote by PJ Proudhon (1809 – 1865) – French anarchist.

“To be GOVERNED is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so. To be GOVERNED is to be at every operation, at every transaction noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be placed under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored. That is government; that is its justice; that is its morality.”

“I protest against every order with which some authority may feel pleased on the basis of some alleged necessity to over-rule my free will. Laws: We know what they are, and what they are worth! They are spider webs for the rich and mighty, steel chains for the poor and weak, fishing nets in the hands of government.”

He is labeled as an anarchist but it is hard to argue with the validity of his quotes. This is how I feel. He says it so well.

I of course have no idea how to change anything. I know things I would do, provided that there was a way to accomplish it, but I can see no way to ever effect these kind of changes. The putrid slugs that infest the political, judiciary, and law enforcements ranks are ubiquitous.

But … some of the changes I would love to see …

-          Emphasize EDUCATION. For all. Free. If anything should be subsidized by taxes it is this. It affects EVERYTHING ELSE. If we get everybody educated, so many other problems go away.

-          Legalize drugs and prostitution. Tax and regulate it. Put the money and people freed up into helping the less fortunate, medical research, and environmental research.

-          Draconian punishments for people who hurt others while under the influence of any substance.

-          Term limits for all levels of government and the judiciary. Including age limits quite frankly.

-          Repeal at least 50% of all laws and regulations – implement a “Common sense” guideline.

-          Institute a “responsibility for self” paradigm. People must be held responsible for their own actions.

-          No one should be allowed to vote unless they pay taxes and can show (how I’m not sure) that they have the intelligence and awareness to vote with some degree of responsibility.

-          Don’t put prisoners in prison. Have them work off their sentences. The more heinous their crime, the dirtier and more dangerous their labor.

-          Wanting to be in office should count against anyone in government.

-          The legal profession should be severely curtailed. I don’t think they should be allowed in government at all. Mediation should be emphasized over litigation.

-          Nobody should be allowed in public office unless they have served, voluntarily and with honor in public service of some kind. Military, Peace Corps, law enforcement, etc.

-          All public officials must be subject to periodic psychological and financial review.

-          Change the performance and evaluation metrics for the law enforcement and judiciary so that the numbers are not the driving force behind behavior.

-          No religion should be allowed any special privileges, especially not paying taxes. They should be subject to the same oversight and inspection as any other public organization.

I think there are many others of course, but it is a nice list to start 😊.

Just saying. I had to get this off my chest to some extent. And I should probably stop watching the shows. 😊