#131 - I'm so Happy

Well I am so glad he is gone. So glad I’ll say it in every language I can speak (more or less 😊)

Estoy tan feliz de que se haya ido.

Gittiği için çok mutluyum.

Je suis si heureux qu'il soit parti.

And I regret if that offends anyone but the man (if indeed he can actually be called that) was a malignant narcissist, prevaricator, and bully. Everything about him repulsed me both professionally and personally.

The most appropriate thing to do to him (other than a jail term) is for everybody, especially the media, to completely ignore him from now on. I can’t think of anything that would drive him crazier than he already is. And suiting action to words … Enough about him.

I got from the Simple Zen channel I subscribe to, the link below. Cute and worth listening to if you have ever tried to meditate.

Monkey Mind


Quotes to think about:

“Any change that takes power from those who have it will face opposition. The greater the change, the greater the force with which it will be struck down.”

“Information can always be rote learned. The ability to reason and reflect outside of your emotions is rarer.”


The current crisis has convinced me that politicians are worse than useless. As a friend of mine said, anytime you get more than two people in a room politics tend to arise. That may well be true, although quite depressing. Their primary concern seems to be, “What can I get out of any situation for myself and the people that have supported me”, their tribe, if you will. As long as they get that, they don’t care how much actually gets done for the rest of the community that they are supposed to be serving. And honestly, as long as you are to the right of that +1σ point on the bell curve, how can you fail to see that? Unless of course you are buried in survival issues, like work, children, health etc. I do get that.  Although that is also a strong argument for minimalism. Being minimalist makes it far easier to see what is going on around you. [And … I can see where I have strayed from the minimalist path a bit over the last 10 months but I’m taking steps to address this. Stuff going up for sale this next week.]

To continue … But what do you replace politicians with? I don’t know. Anarchy does not seem like a desirable state of affairs. And it would seem even if you did get rid of politicians, preferably with forced labor camps where they had to work to fix the messes they created, people would devolve into their own little small tribes, and somehow politicians, like pond scum, would probably emerge and float to the top anyway.

Wish I had the answer. But truly, politicians are actively destructive and counterproductive.


The people that have elected them to power should be relentless in calling them on the carpet for their behavior and their performance on a daily basis. Elections are not a satisfactory performance metric. There needs to be a better way to grade politicians on how they are fulfilling their proper function. Elections are too complicated, and people are too apathetic. I’m very frustrated. How do you account for people who are too stupid to elect their own caretakers? And, I think once the elections have happened, the population thinks it has done it’s job and just sits back.

And the technology exists to grade them. Social media or some derivative thereof. I’m sure it could be done. If EVERYONE participated. That would turn the extremists of whatever viewpoint into, hopefully, outliers. Not sure if the bell curve would work for or against this to be honest.

I discovered a phrase today in my Turkish studies. Cahil cesareti. It means “the courage of the illiterate (or ignorant).” Great thought if somewhat depressing if one considers the vast mass of illiterate or ignorant in the world today. They are convinced of the rightness that is them with no consideration of whether or not they are, in fact, ‘right’.

On a lighter note I was sent this cartoon about Canadians.



Maybe I will write to the immigration people in Canada and ask them if I can immigrate if I sell all my weapons. ROTFLMAO


#132 - Data & Maps


#130 - A New Year